Monday, 15 August 2011

The Race Debate...

Following the recent riots in the UK, many posh people have been talking over the reasons behind the looting. It appears that nothing can happen without an underlying cause. Nobody likes to admit that modern cultures and bad parenting combined with poverty may cause people to become scumbags.

Throughout the debate, a historian called David Starkey, tried to give his opinion on one of the causes during what was meant to be an intelligent debate on a UK news programme. His opinion caused a massive backlash from politicians and popularity-seekers everywhere. Suddenly, the country shuddered as everyone got on to their high horses to blast the poor man about his opinion, once again proving that we are not yet evolved enough to have an intelligent discussion on race and the crimes associated with various subcultures within racial groups.

Curiously, I wonder what the opinion of the general public would've been if it was a coloured person who expressed David Starkey's views?

So, what is my opinion you may ask?

I'm white. Therefore I am incapable of having an intelligent debate about race and crime because if I did, that would make me a racist.

I yearn for the day that adults can have a discussion and address the problems that come hand in hand with having a multicultural society. I am happy to share my country with so many different people of different cultures and creeds, but I'm disappointed that we cannot fix the few problems that arise as a result.

One day, lives will be saved when people are intelligent enough to discuss these issues without screaming 'racist' to bolster their own popularity.

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