Thursday, 25 November 2010

Changing the World, One Fire Extinguisher at a Time...

Freedom of speech. Freedom to protest. such wonderful things. Shame the only people who protest now seem to be people looking to cause trouble and incite violence.

Over the last few weeks, students have been protesting about the rise in tuition fees. But seriously, they aren't really protesting about that, they are looking for a reason to cause havoc and participate in general antisocial behaviour. Or at least that's what it looks like. I guess that there were some people who took part in the protests in London who were genuinely annoyed about the fee increase and were looking to voice their displeasure but with the violence that ensued, it's hard to take the rowdy, antisocial group seriously or see them as anything more than a bunch of baying yobs. It seems that protests have not made any change in recent times but the right to protest has always been one of the freedoms we should be most proud of... Until people act up.

Any Reason for Violence and Disorder eh?

In interviews during the first student riots in London (I'm not even going to call them protests), a few apparently 'educated' youths explained that the actions they were taking part of were part of a 'socialist movement' and that it was actions of anarchy they were undertaking. Perhaps it was the media that failed to properly cover the event but there were very few individuals talking about the increase in fees, most of them just seemed to show their intention to cause trouble.

Obviously, following an event such as this, which probably caused thousands of pounds worth of damage (which taxpayers will have to essentially fork out for) people have blamed the police. During the first event, the police apparently didn't do enough. During the second one, they employed a technique called 'kettling' which was apparently 'too severe'. I personally feel rubber bullets, tear gas and high powered water cannons would've been a far more appropriate action. 'Kettling' is a term used to describe a tactic where riot police will pen in and prevent free movement of a group of people. This is only employed in situations where rioting is likely. People criticise the tactic, saying that it causes frustration and forces people to violence, but people should expect this when violence becomes (or has been) a part of the protest.

Student Rioter throws a Fire Extinguisher from the top of the Conservative Party Headquarters...
I think the politically correct term is 'Fucking Idiot'

The fire extinguisher that was dropped from the top of the Conservative Party headquarters is an example of the level of violence that police have to contend with when people gather in a mob. This object narrowly missed protesters and police and it's safe to say that if it had landed on someones head it would've easily killed them.

I feel I should congratulate the 'anarchists' that destroyed the peaceful demonstrations in London because their actions have now damaged the credibility of all those that oppose the rise of tuition fees. Future demonstrations will be seen as nothing more than a gathering of jobless kids out to cause trouble, rather than educated individuals with genuine worries about their future. It seems that once again, protesting has not had any positive impact on the country.

I understand the need for people to feel like they are making a change, or for their need to actually make a change. It would be a great thing if the actions of a small group of people were to make the world a perfect place, but the world is not a perfect place. The world will never be a perfect place. It is my belief that the very balance of the world itself rests upon imperfection.

Most of the people who rioted in London would have us live in their idea of a perfect world where there would be no government, no military and we would all live in yurts without electricity and only eat plants... but this is never going to happen. Protesting is good but thinking that civil disobedience and anarchism will bring about an era of peace is naive and childish. Life is precious and you only get one go at it; wasting it for a future that will never exist is stupid. Fight for what you believe in, fight for realistic changes but anarchism and socialism are unlikely to ever be a realistic alternative to the current society we have.

It's not perfect but it's what we've got. Make the best of it, boys and girls.

This rant was never about student fees, if it was then I would be very much agreeing that increasing student fees is wrong but the protests are not about that. They are about a small group of people acting violently and trying to change society to meet their vision of a perfect world. The sooner they can get that idea out of their heads and the sooner they can prove to the world that they are willing not to fight, but work for their beliefs, then we will face a better society.